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**Applications are closed!**

2008/2009 Advanced International Training Programme (ITP) in
Ecological Sanitation

Sponsored by Sida

 Targeted for Africa, Latin American, Asia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Ecological Alternatives in Sanitation
This advanced, international training programme in ecological sanitation focuses on attractive sanitation solutions for urban and peri-urban areas to promote human health, enhance human dignity, improve nutritional status and protect water sources. The basic principle of ecological sanitation is "Closing the Loop on Sanitation", which implies that the nutrients in human excreta - after proper sanitisation - are used as a resource in local cultivation, including urban agriculture, and the water used in households is treated and returned safely to the environment.

Target group

Professionals in selected countries
in Africa, Latin America, Asia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia engaged in town planning, water supply, waste management, hygiene, and socio-economic development, researchers and teachers/trainers in fields related to sustainable sanitation, and key persons engaged in NGOs with projects associated with community development for improved sanitation and water supply.  

Programme content

  • Water and nutrient cycles in time and space, and related routes of contamination

  • Management options for improved urban ecological sanitation and ways to utilise nutrients in human excreta as a resource in urban agriculture

  • Risk assessment including hygiene in handling sanitized urine and faecal matter and residents' and professionals' attitudes and norms concerning such risks

  • Costs and benefits, including those related to the environment, of ecological sanitation systems compared to current technical alternatives

  • Exchange of experiences of household efforts to improve well-being through safe excreta disposal and protection of ground water

  • Skills training in social inquiry

Dates and Practicalities
The programme has three parts: a 3-week
programme in Sweden, a period between programmes for project work back home, and a 2-week programme in the region. The language requirement is English. Costs are covered by Sida. The deadline for applications from Africa and Latin America is 1 April 2008. The deadline for applications from Asia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia is 1 May 2008.  The Application should be submitted to the appropriate Swedish Embassy/Consulate at the latest by the deadline date. The Embassy/Consulate will forward it to the programme secretariat. If no appropriate Swedish Embassy/Consulate in the country, please submit the application form directly to secretariat at the latest by the deadline. Applications received after this date will not be considered.

ITP 99a "Ecological Alternatives in Sanitation" - for Africa and Latin America:

  • For all Africa and Latin America participants: a 3-week programme in Sweden from 11-29 August 2008

  • For Africa participants: a 2-week programme in South Africa in February 2009

  • For Latin America participants: a 2-week programme in Mexico in March 2009

  • Eligible African countries are: Botswana, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, Zambia.

  • Eligible Latin American countries are: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru.

  • The deadline for applications from Africa and Latin America is 1 April 2008. The Application should be submitted to the appropriate Swedish Embassy/Consulate at the latest on 1 April 2008. The Embassy/Consulate will forward it to the programme secretariat. If no appropriate Swedish Embassy/Consulate in the country, please submit the application form directly to secretariat at the latest on 1 April 2008. Applications received after this date will not be considered.

ITP 99b "Ecological Alternatives in Sanitation" - for Asia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia:

  • For all Asia and Eastern Europe and Central Asia participants: a 3-week programme in Sweden from 15 September - 3 October 2008

  • For Asia participants: a 2-week programme in Asia in April 2009

  • For Eastern Europe and Central Asia participants: a 2-week programme in the Ukraine in May 2009

  • Eligible Asian countries are: Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Syria, and Vietnam.

  • Eligible Eastern Europe and Central Asia countries are: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kyrgyz Republic, Macedonia, Moldova, Russian Federation, Serbia and Montenegro, and Ukraine.

  • The deadline for applications from Asia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia is 1 May 2008. The Application should be submitted to the appropriate Swedish Embassy/Consulate at the latest on 1 May 2008. The Embassy/Consulate will forward it to the programme secretariat. If no appropriate Swedish Embassy/Consulate in the country, please submit the application form directly to secretariat at the latest on 1 May 2008. Applications received after this date will not be considered.


    Program Brochure
    (PDF; 214kb)



    Application Form
    (PDF; 109kb)


Programme Organiser
The EcoSanRes Programme at Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).
Contact address: SEI
ITP Secretariat Sanitation
Kraftriket 2B
SE 106 91 Stockholm
Fax:  +46-8-674-7020


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© 2009 EcoSanRes, Stockholm Environment Institute (sei-international.org)
Last modified: 14-jul-2011