Discussion Group
Pilot Projects

Global MDG Challenge

2.5 billion with no sanitation
1.75 billion to be served by 2015

450 million new installations by 2015

15,000 installations per hour to 2015



Call for Applications for Research Grants Related to Ecological Sanitation

The International Foundation for Science (IFS) is pleased to issue a call for research proposals related to Ecological Sanitation. The invitation is extended to researchers in their early career (preferably younger that 40). The research grants are awarded to a maximum value of 12,000 USD and should be used for acquisition of scientific equipment, supplies, literature as well as expenses during fieldwork.

Grants are given to individual researchers and to researchers who want to collaborate in groups. Applications for individual grants are made on the application form, in English or French, which is available from IFS Secretariat or can be downloaded from the website www.ifs.se. Collaborative grants are applied for though sending a conceptual proposal (5 pages) to Dr Cecilia Öman ( ) at the IFS Secretariat. Details on how to apply for collaborative grants can be found at the IFS website in the document "IFS strategy for strengthening capacity for water resources research in developing countries". It is of great importance to establish a gender focus on water resources why the gender perspective is always addressed by IFS.

Applicants must be citizens of, and carry out the research in, a developing country*. They should be attached to a university, national research institution or a research oriented NGO in a developing country. Candidates must possess a higher academic degree, which should be at least an MSc or equivalent as well as being at the start of their research career**.


* Countries in Europe, countries of the former Soviet Union, Argentina and Uruguay are not eligible to receive support.
**Applicants must be under the age of 40 (30 for applicants from China). Citizens of Sub-Saharan countries (excluding South Africa) may apply for IFS research grants even if they are over 40 years of age, provided that they took their highest academic degree (minimum MSc or equivalent) less than five years ago and are still at the early stage of their career. Special consideration may be given to women applicants.


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© 2009 EcoSanRes, Stockholm Environment Institute (sei-international.org)
Last modified: 14-jul-2011