Assainissement productif à Aguié

Productive Sanitation in Aguié



International learning and exchange trip on productive sanitation experiences in Aguié

26-28 January 2010

The workshop had three main parts – introduction to Productive Sanitation, field visits and perspectives.  The program and participant list is in Annex 1 and 2. The evaluation of the workshop is in Annex 3.

Summary of the learning and exchange trip on productive sanitation (PDF High-res 3.88MB || Low-res 452kb)


All presentations are in French except for "SEI and ecological sanitation" and "Experience Uganda"

Day 1:

Title Presenter and Affiliation Download Link
Introduction AP Linus Dagerskog, CREPA PPT 3.55 MB
Presentation PPIILDA Chaibou Guéro, PPILDA PPT 614 kb
Spécificité AP Linus Dagerskog, CREPA Siège PPT 559 kb
Volet Agro Hadidjatou Issoufou, AP-Aguié PPT 5.98 MB
Volet Socio Alassane Kané, AP-Aguié PPT 1.22 MB
Volet Technique Ibrahim Sayabou, AP-Aguié PPT 1.13 MB
Programme ECOSAN CREPA REGIONAL Dr Amah Klutsé, CREPA Siège PPT 2.37 MB
SEI and ecological sanitation Cecilia Ruben, SEI PPT 2.32 MB
Experience Rwanda Patient Maganya, APEPARWA/PASTA-KWANUP PPT 8.37 MB
Experience Uganda Fred Semyalo, UWESO PPT 2.84 MB

(Download all Day 1 Presentations - ZIP 25.1 MB)

Day 3:

Title Presenter and Affiliation Download Link
Guide agronomique Takin Ruwa Pr Moussa Baragé, Université de Niamey PPT 730 kb
Fiche Technique Takin Ruwa Pr Moussa Baragé, Université de Niamey DOC 1.34 MB
Directives OMS Linus Dagerskog, CREPA Siège PPT 422 kb
Résultats des études Saidou Laminou, PPILDA PPT 5.20 MB
L’assainissement et le genre Catherine Nana, CREPA Siège PPT 388 kb
Cadre institutionnel - Analyse des acteurs Dr Klutsé, CREPA Siège PPT 1.39 MB
Cadre institutionnel du Niger Yacouba Zabeirou, CREPA Niger PPT 53.5 kb

(Download all Day 3 Presentations - ZIP 8.01 MB)


Copyright AP-Aguie 2009