Assainissement productif à Aguié

Productive Sanitation in Aguié





  •  "Cost reductions in the productive sanitation project in Aguié, Niger" - Mahamane Laouali DJARIRI [French, summary in English - PDF: highres 4.57MB :: lowres 1.57MB]


  • "Identification of health risks and opportunities for production of fertilizer in the system for collecting urine of Productive Sanitation Project in the Department Aguié in Niger" - Saïdou LAMINOU [French only - PDF: highres 1.83MB :: lowres 841kb]


  • "Evaluation of periodic application of urine on millet"  - Yahaya ILLIASSOU [French only - PDF:  lowres 506kb]


  • "Evaluation of the effect of urine enriched compost on millet" - Moussa Ibrahim BOUZOU [French only - PDF: lowres 723kb]



Copyright AP-Aguie 2009