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Global MDG Challenge

2.5 billion with no sanitation
1.75 billion to be served by 2015

450 million new installations by 2015

15,000 installations per hour to 2015



Implementation and Planning Tool 

One of the key components to successful ecological sanitation systems is that the system must be adapted to the needs of the persons or local community that is going to use it. There are different approaches and techniques to ecosan and they do not all work efficiently in all areas and for all purposes. Thus, it is important that local stakeholders be included in the planning process from the earliest stages to ensure the sanitation system meets their needs. 

For this reason, and to sustain ecological sanitation projects so they can flourish, the EcoSanRes Programme, in collaboration with WRS Uppsala AB, is producing guidelines for planners and implementers to create and support an open and democratic process for sanitation. The guidelines follow the Open Comparative Consequence Analysis (OCCA) methodology (which provides an open, participative and comparative planning process), going beyond the traditional Logical Framework Analysis (LFA) (which defines problems and constraints along with goals, required functions and solutions), and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (which compares different system solutions and relates them to environmental impacts), to include social, cultural and economic constraints, conditions or limitations. 

The objective of the project is to produce a manual for the planning and implementation of ecological sanitation that covers established sanitation promotion and planning, but also includes participatory planning and the ecosystem approach. 

Contact Peter Ridderstolpe ( ) for more information


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© 2009 EcoSanRes, Stockholm Environment Institute (sei-international.org)
Last modified: 14-jul-2011